Tuesday, October 19, 2010

NASCAR spoof

Second year NASCAR driver Adam Pemberton has just won his first Daytona 500. “I was going fast and sometimes I was turning left!”  He told a reported when asked how did you win it.  Adam formerly of Springfield Illinois now resides with his wife and 14 German Sheppard’s all named Tiny in there mansion located in Daytona Florida. What made you decide you wanted to be a NASCAR driver?
“Well I’m not really athletic what so ever so a real sport was out of the question. But one day I was flipping thru the channels when I came upon a NASCAR race and the announcers were talking about how much money the drivers made. I thought to myself hell I can drive a car fast and well here I am.”
Most drives take years to work their way up thru the race circuit before they get a shot at NASCAR. Yet you were somehow able to jump right in and do it.
“I played a lot of need for speed as a kid. It’s like a racing game for the playstation ya know so that prolly had a lot to do with it. I also had a go-cart I wrecked it about a week after I got it but for that week no one could beat me.”
With a net worth thru the roof between race winning commercials endorsements for Budweiser not to mention all of the NASCAR merchandise Adam Pemberton reported a net worth of 22 million last year. With this being only his first year in the sport Adam is certainly someone to keep an eye on in future races.

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